What is Bootstrap and its features?
Bootstrap is not a new term for those who work in web development. Bootstrap is one of the most popular web development frameworks and is used to develop highly-responsive projects in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
So let's know in detail about Bootstrap, what is Bootstrap, its history and features.
What is Bootstrap?
Bootstrap is an open-source most popular HTML, CSS and JS framework, used to develop responsive, mobile-first websites.
It is a front-end framework used for easy and fast web development. It has a large collection of reusable code written in HTML, CSS and javascript. Which saves you from writing a lot of CSS code, and gives you more time in designing webpages.
The latest version of Bootstrap is (Latest Version); Bootstrap 5.
It is currently hosted on GitHub and can be downloaded for free from getbootstrap.com.
It has a grid system, pre-built components and plugins, built with jQuery. Without jQuery, cross-browser compatibility would not be possible. So it is compatible with most browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari and Opera etc.
Websites and applications that are built using Bootstrap are compatible with iOS and Android.
History of Bootstrap.
The Bootstrap was developed by Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton. It was created in mid-2010 for Twitter. Prior to the open-sourced framework, bootstrap was known as "Twitter Blueprint".
In the beginning, this framework was created as a support framework for internal devices only. Along with the actual developer, and some collaborators contributed to this project in Twitter's "Hack Week".
Bootstrap was launched on GitHub as an open-source project on 19 August 2011 and in June 2014, Bootstrap was the No.1 project on GitHub.
Features of Bootstrap
1- Easy to Use
It is very easy for beginners to understand and use. Anyone with basic knowledge of HTML and CSS can use Bootstrap. Getting started is probably the first feature that makes Bootstrap very attractive.
2- Easily Customizable
Despite being designed in bootstrap responsive 12-column grids, layouts, and components, it is also very easy to customize. You can make the grid fix or responsive by just making some changes. Offsetting and nesting of columns in CPU-based and mobile-based browser grids are also easy.
3- Utilities
Utilities are a part of Bootstrap responsible for CSS styling. CSS is the primary component you have to use for customization. The most useful utilities used are;
• Color
• Border
• Positioning
• Text
• Display
• Flex
• Padding
• Margin
4- Components
Bootstrap has many components. You can choose whatever element according to your website design. Part of all Bootstrap components comes with default breakpoints for all screens. Some components come with their own JS integrate, so there is no need to worry about editing the code.
• Modals
• List groups
• Alerts
• Dropdowns
• Carousel
5- Templates
Easily available templates make it easy for inexperienced users to create a website after a simple tutorial or demo available on Bootstrap.
6- Browser friendliness
In today's world, people use all types of devices and browsers based on their preferences. Bootstrap is compatible with most browsers and helps build websites and apps that work everywhere.
Bootstrap has become the world's favourite front-end component library. Using this, you can easily create a responsive, mobile-friendly website on the web. You can quickly prototype using your unique ideas. You can create an entire application using Sass variables, plugins, grid system.
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